Tuesday, May 28, 2013

VidPic of The Week: Little Mermaid Castle Phallus

   This has always been one of my favorite things about Disney. For those who have been living in a cave away from pop culture for the last 26 years, let me inform you of something outstanding: 
   On the original VHS box for Disney's The Little Mermaid, there is a hidden penis.  Technically, it is a sandcastle, but the pillar in the middle looks like a giant golden dick. 
   I happened to stumble upon this video on YouTube when I was just going through Cracked's station.  I thought it was absolutely hysterical and I wanted it to be my first VidPic of The Twisted Tornado.  So without further ado, LOL to this like I did.  Oh and if you still have the VHS case for this movie.  Fucking save that shit, because it is worth some money and makes a GREAT conversational piece with your children and or in laws. 

xoxo ;)

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  1. Am I the only person to ever see the gaping vagina in Cinderella? I've never seen this on any other posts of this kind. Right out there in the open as the mouse is going to warn her about her stepmom getting ready to lock her in the attic.

  2. Hmm, thats interesting. I will have to see
