Wednesday, May 15, 2013

BubbleBerry Rockstar Review

  I am an energy drink fiend. So today, I came across this gem at work. Rockstar BubbleBerry. 
  Let's just think about this for a second. Just let it soak in. Rockstar has combined bubblegum, berry flavoring and caffeine. Oh the wonders!
   I can only think of describing it as this: mind you I am two cans deep of this stuff as I write this review. 
   Think of Barbie's Dreamhouse. Pink, girly and frilly. Now imagine if her house was edible. It would probably taste like a giant ball of bubblegum right? 
   Now mix that girly flavor with berries. Add some steroid and you have this concoction that tastes like a rinse at the dentists' office but that is counter productive because it has so much sugar it is ruining your teeth. 
  In conclusion, Rockstar's BubbleBerry is liquid estrogen steroids and acid in a can. Every sip makes me grimace because it is so disgusting, yet so appealing because of its unique blend of flavor. A bad train wreck you can't look away from, in your mouth. 

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