Saturday, May 4, 2013

Six More Random Facts About Me

   So not too long ago, I wrote a post explaining a whole bunch of random facts about me and it just so happens that even to this date, it is the most read post I have ever written.  Bra-strology is slowly coming up behind it.  But, every time I check my statistics on Google for what posts are being read, I am BAFFLED that the Random Facts About Me tag is the most read.  This is always my expression upon seeing that people in Europe are reading The Twisted Tornado:
Imagine a dance, too.
   This particular post is going to be a continuation of that post.  Explaining all these random and stupid little facts about me and my life.  So, without further ado, I bring you six more random facts about me:
1. I Was TERRIFIED of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs as a Child.
   And this was the only reason as to why:

  To this day, I still am weirded out by the old peddler woman.  I'm 25 years old.  I shouldn't be so freaked out about a cartoon character, right?  Well, as it turns out I'm going to use a bit of my psych degree here and fill you all in on the fact that being afraid of movie monsters as an adult is an actual's called being a pussy and I am the Queen of Cats.

   I remember, for the longest time, I could not have anything directly tied to Snow White around because the witch freaked me out so bad.  We are talking nightmares here, and she made me afraid of old women! Well her, and the old lady from Legion that crawls on the ceiling. 
I see a reoccurring pattern here..Old ladies = Death
  2.  I Am Addicted to This Video:
   This is AMAZING! Bravo to this dude.  May his balls rest in peace from being hiked up in that unitard.

  3.  I have a minor addiction to burritos

   So, I have been on this wicked burrito kick lately.  I'm talking big, beefy, burritos that seem like a fun time at first, but then hours later when your stomach is in knots and you want to die, you realize it was a really stupid fucking idea.  
   The beans. The sour cream.  Tomato, Lettuce, Cheese, Salsa....Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.  
   I could live on Taco Bell, if it wasn't guaranteed to turn my colon into toothpaste.  And don't even get me started on Nacho Cheese Chalupas!
It's like sex in my mouth...
  4.  I Am A Goo Hoarder
   You wanna talk about 'that chick' that has a bunch of makeup, lotions, shampoos, etc. that are not completely used up and then she buys more and starts using the new stuff before using up all the old stuff?  Yep, that's me!  
   I have: 4 bottles of foundations, 6 different kinds of mascara, over ten lip glosses.  Not to mention all the half empty shampoos, conditioners and lotions I have.  For Christ's sake, I've had the same bottle of Valentino's Rock n Rose body lotion underneath my sink for the last 4 years and I've maybe only used it TWICE.
   I just get bored using the same scents over and over and over again and I want boys to be in my general vicinity and be like, "Wow, that Amazonian brunette smells fantastic."  Then, the next time he sees me, I smell completely different.  
   Life is all about variety, right?
 5. That "dolphin skin" feeling that you get on your legs right after you shave them, never freaked me out until someone on Twitter said that it feels like dolphins.
   So my shins feel like Flipper...fucktastic!

  6. I have NEVER seen Scarface all the way through.
   I made it to this scene:
  Then, I almost threw up, but then I passed out.  
   We all know the, "Say hello to my little friend!" line at the end.  I just would have been fine if that was the only part that I saw.  My ex made me watch this and didn't inform me that some guy was going to get butchered by a chainsaw!! I'm from Vermont, okay? Having a chainsaw is a necessity, and nobody wants to be sliced apart by one.  Worst, idea ever! 
  So, there is a few more facts.  I didn't really put as much time into them as I usually do.  Mostly, because I am human and when I log onto YouTube to bring videos into the blog, I get to watching them and then I am distracted and it is insane.  I have internet ADD I swear! 
  Maybe next week, I will post a vlog of me learning how to do the Harlem Shake...? Idea? Let's do it!!
Like The Twisted Tornado on Facebook and tell your friends and NO you will not see my tits nor my ass so don't ask.  I'm running a blog not a strip club! 
Twitter: vlewin1988
Instagram: ViciousVictoriaRules
xoxo ;)



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