Monday, June 3, 2013

Gooey Jelly Crack

   A few weeks ago, I posted an article about the disgustingly delicious Rockstar BubbleBerry.  The article got a ton of hits on Blogger, so I figured I would start doing weekly reviews on the random crap I come across. Mostly at my day job of being a convenience store bitch. 

   Speaking of which, I introduce you to something we got in at the store last week. These are Clif Shot Energy Gels. 
   Energy Gels are awkward. Straight up. The texture of them makes me want to gag. It can only be described as putting Smuckers jelly in the microwave for 30 seconds then letting it cool to room temperature. Then you gargle it down.  
   The taste isn't so bad. I tried the Mocha. It lives up to its flavor name in the very least. I was hoping it would be close to a Starbucks flavor of mocha. Just enough chocolate to where I would be satisfied. It's deeper than that, however. Melt a bunch of Mr. Goodbars and you got it. 
   I have to be honest, these things give you a bit of jolt. This coming from someone immune to energy supplements due to years of shooting Mountain Dew Amps into my veins via a makeshift syringe made out of Pixie Sticks. I swallowed one of these and went on a cleaning binge at my friends' house. I was scrubbing the walls despite the fact they were clean because I could not sit still!
   The crash sucked. I fell asleep after having an epic block party with Mr. Clean and the Scrubbing Bubbles bubbles and woke up feeling like I had had an awful night of binge drinking à la Charlie Sheen. 
    All in all, they do their job, but they are just weird. One, the substance is eerily similar to Go-gurt and two is that it tastes funky. But if you are big into energy stuff, give it a shot. Pun intended.  

;) xoxo 

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