Friday, May 17, 2013

I Smell Pretty! Oh So Pretty!

    I am a girl, in case you didn't already know that.  Given the fact that I am a girl, there is a pretty good possibility that I will have an addiction to a beauty product.  Some girls collect an obscene amount of lip glosses.  Other girls collect a shit ton of bath products.  Well, I am here to tell you that I, Victoria von Mueller, do in fact have a SEVERE addiction to perfumes/body sprays.  That is my vanity in the picture above.  That is only a fraction of what I have!
   It is very important to smell good.  One of my biggest pet peeves amongst society is people that walk around in public smelling of onions. You know that smell that I'm talking about.  The one where it's like you have run an entire mile in the heaviest clothing you own, without putting on deodorant.  Sometimes, deodorant isn't enough, and you want that extra scent to really get your social party started.  Like, me.
   You name that particular category of perfume and I have it.  I have the fruity/flirty scents.  I have the sophisticated/musky scents.  I have the scent that makes you smell like a baked apple pie of deliciousness.  And then, there is the "come fuck me" scents, which is pretty much anything from Victoria's Secret.  Love Spell.  
   I am currently carrying two bottles of body spray in my purse.  One, is a flirty scent.  The other is a peony musk scent.  If I am just hanging out with the guys, drinking beers then I wear the pink bottle.  If I am going out to the bar with my crew or on a date then I wear the clear bottle.  If I am REALLY trying to impress whomever it is that I am with, then I go with option C which is the bottle of Juicy Couture that is also in my purse. 
   Sometimes, because I feel risky and risque, I like to combine the two just to see if anybody is paying attention.  And then sometimes, I just wear what the fuck ever I find in my room but I am ADDICTED to the Calgon Sweet Crush.  I wear it when I'm out at a fancy party.  I even wear it when I am sitting in my room lounging in a Led Zeppelin t-shirt.  I have to smell good all the time.  It is the ONE thing I am addicted to that is girly.  

   I'm not entirely too sure what the point of writing this article exactly was, other than the fact that I am willing to divulge random shit of my life. I encourage everyone to smell better.  Spritz away my cyclones!
xoxo ;)

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