Thursday, May 9, 2013

Word of Wisdom/Thank You

  I have to be honest here. I have spent the last three years of my life in this horrible rut. I've loved and lost. My paying job makes me miserable and I can't get back on my feet. I wake up in the mornings wondering what my life means, and why I have such a hard time finding happiness. What is wrong with me? What am I doing wrong? Who did I piss off to have Madam Karma on my ass. Karma must be a chick. Too much vendetta to be a dude. 
   Then, I had an epiphany! I needed to stop complaining about how my life had turned into Suckfest and actually DO SOMETHING about it. So, I accomplished the following:
  1. Got my Bachelor's Degree. 
  2. Lost 68 lbs 
  3. Got a car loan on my own and pulled my credit back up higher than I thought. 
  4. Started eating healthier and working out. That ties into #2. 

   I still have a long road ahead of me but these are my goals for upcoming changes. 
   1. Tone my body now that I'm thin again
   2. Get my teeth fixed
   3. Ditch my glasses and invest in contacts
   4. Maybe get my Master's Degree or at the very least publish something like a children's book. 
   5. Build confidence because I am in fact one of a kind and amazing. 
   6. Find strength and keep calm and carry on. 

   It all won't happen overnight. But, if I am ever going to make something of myself and find general happiness, I need to make the adjustments. Despite how much I feel like an utter fuck up sometimes, I could always be worse off. I could have a criminal record or be into drugs. Sell my now sexy body for sex. All these potentially terrible things, and I spend more time stressing about the stupid stuff like why my job fails at making me happy. 
   The kind words and praise I get from my actual fan base give me the motivation to carry on. For those who retweet my links to The Twisted Tornado, I appreciate it more than you know. It gives me purpose to know that my dream is slowly coming a reality. 
   I always knew I wanted to use my charisma to entertain. The fact I do that through this blog, and words of encouragement give me the confidence that I am accomplishing one of my most valued goals. I wouldn't change that feeling of ecstasy for anything else in the world. Thank you for the support and I love you all! <3 

   Ok, enough sappy shit. 

    Anyway, this particular post was to give my readers the motivation to do as I did and look within and realize that life could be worse. YOU could be worse. There is nothing wrong with change as long as it is an IMPROVEMENT because at the end of the day, you deserve to feel happy with yourself. Not everyone will love you, but above all else you need to love yourself. And remember this: 1 universe, 8 planets, 204 countries, 804 islands, 7 seas, 7 billion people; Don't let 1 ruin your day.

  Love, Victoria von Mueller. 
   ;) xoxo

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