Thursday, June 27, 2013

VidPick of the Week: My Idol Doing What She Does Best

   It has never been a secret that I adore Jenna Marbles.  She is the reason as to why I got back into blogging as much as I did because she makes the world laugh and I have a similar sense of humor.  Any woman who can make fun of herself and still be properly okay with people laughing at her, is a great woman. 
   I watch her videos when I am happy, and when I am sad and I happened to stumble upon these two that I will share both.  This first one was the original and it's bloody brilliant.  Just watch.

   And this is the second half.  She filmed this, as you can see in the midst of dealing with some personal shit.  Despite the pitfalls of life, she still delivered to her loyal fans.  That is a strong woman right there and the second video is just as hysterical as the first video.  As a woman in a similar rut, I still feel the need to deliver to my audience, so I figured this would be the best way.  To share the two videos on the internet I can watch time and time again and still laugh at just as hard, no matter what is going on.  Thank you Jenna! You are amazing!

xoxo ;)

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