Monday, June 3, 2013

VidPic of The Week: Military Gone Ke$ha

    I was very close to marrying into the military some years ago.  While trying to do a little research into what my then future husband guy was doing with his spare time, I happened to stumble upon this on the internet back in 2009ish.  I cannot tell you how many times I have seen this jackpot of a video.  I used to watch it just because it made me laugh so hard.  I watched it the other day with my friend who equally found it just as awesome. 
    That's when I decided to share it with my fellow readers.  I know last week I said that the VidPics would be Wednesday mornings at a super early time, and I do plan to still deliver that to you tomorrow, however I couldn't wait to give this the added love and support I have for it.
   Without further ado, this is the military dancing to Ke$ha's breakout single, "Tik Tok".  Please enjoy.

See?  How hard did you laugh.  If you didn't laugh, you definitely had a "What the fuck is this?" train of thought, huh?  Well, choo-choo, I got you for next time!

xoxo ;)

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