Monday, June 10, 2013

Clerk Rant

  My day job is a gas station attendant. My passion/business/purpose in life is this blog/company I started. But those who have been following since day one get that. 
   As I sit here, at my day job, getting paid for writing this blog, when frankly there is coffee to be made, I think of some things about life. Finally I get a break from the chaotic clientele I am usually graced with. 
   Side note: my next piece is going to be submitted to Cracked because it is a detailed list of the kinds of people, we as clerks, absolutely despise. 
   Back to the point.  Goddamned my writing Attention Deficit Disorder...

  What the hell does this all mean? The sun. The moon. Trees. Water. Fire. Sand. What is going on here, and why am I significant to it all? Well, the list of elements and other natural substances I just listed is called "Life". And it happens. 
   Go fucking figure. 
   You drive down the street and you see in the distance a plethora of red and blue flashing lights. Traffic is blocked off for two or three blocks, but you are still able to catch a glimpse of the action. You see paramedics wheeling a conscious 8 year old into the back of an ambulance. You also see that his mother is screaming and hollering at an elderly lady as police try to calm her down. 
   What you didn't see, was that the old lady hit the boy on his bicycle because she was trying to light her Virginia Slim 120. What you won't get to see, is that because an ambulance was only half a block up on a coffee stop, the young boys life was saved. 
   That's what life is all about. Sucky situations and outstanding situations. Finding hope and solace in the most dismal of life events. It isn't easy. I wish I could say it were. 
   I don't believe in destiny. I don't believe in love at first sight. I believe you choose your own path. I also believe that no matter how sexy a potential life mate is, you must get to know him/her before calling it "love".  I learned that after falling for the wrong guys over and over again because their looks to personality ratio leaned in the less important direction. I've learned and I aim for better. Amazing how happy it makes me. 
   My life was not predetermined by some astrological phenomena. I've stated before I am Agnostic. I believe that there is something beyond this dimension of life but I won't know what it's all about until I'm dead. I wake up everyday, taking the same chances of dying in a freak accident involving a toaster strudel and a hair dryer. I have to make my own shit happen. It won't happen "just because".
  Now here is where the crappy part of life that makes me sad comes in to play. You make new friends and get accepted into a core group of friends either thru a romantic relationship or just a mutual friendship. Eventually, inevitably, that pack of friends is going to dismantle. People will either get married and start a life separated from their single friends. Others will break up over something and sometimes people just drift apart. This has happened a lot in my 25 years on this magical ball we call Earth. 
   Maybe, I'm the problem. 
   No. It just happens. Naturally. 
   I wish I could say that I am living the dream or have some cool story for this post, but really it was just a collection of thought salad I figured I'd share with everyone. I was bored. Guilty. Guess I will go make mediocre Vermont based coffee now. Boo. P.S. I want this tattoo. Just the saying. Fuck the birds. 

Xoxo ;) 

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