Tuesday, June 18, 2013

VidPick of The Week: My Favorite The Principle's Office Moments

    Back a few years ago on TruTV, there was this awesome TV show called The Principal's Office.  Pretty much the point of the show was camera crews spent a day at a school and taped footage of numerous kids getting sent to the Principal's Office. It was AMAZING because I was in college when this show came out and I remembered how my Principal would come over the loudspeaker and call people down to his office.  Brilliance!
   To be completely honest, I have a huge crush on one of the Principal's on this program.  This is the guy:
  Sorry, but he was a cutie.  And to top it all off, his punishments were fair and he managed to somehow always get the dumbass kids. 
  I went on YouTube and I found a bunch of The Principal's Office clips that I figured I would share with you, my friendly followers.  Watch them and reminisce about how you used to get called to the Principal's Office for stuffing Jolley Ranchers down the pants of the AV Department kids, or how that one time you started a food fight and then got caught smoking a joint up in the back parking lot.  You remember the days.  If you are a reader and are still IN high school...don't do the dumb shit these kids are doing. 
   So without further ado, I bring you some clips of one of my favorite reality shows and I am very sad that it was cancelled. 

  See what I mean?  Makes me want to be an educator all over again! Especially the last one.  Absolutely love it!

xoxo ;)

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