Friday, June 21, 2013

Wedding Dress Drama

  About three years ago, I almost made the stupid mistake to get married to the absolutely definite wrong person. Had we gotten married, undoubtably, we would be going through a divorce today if we weren't already divorced. I never look back on it and think that breaking the relationship two weeks prior to the date of the wedding was a poor choice. As I said, we would be divorced or divorcing. 
   In my recent stint of weight loss however, I came to realize something today. When the day arises that I am about to walk down the aisle towards my actual Prince Charming, my custom made wedding gown will need to be so adjusted....or I have to get big again. 
   I went from a size 14 to a size 8 over the last year. Recently I took my wedding gown out of the closet just for the simple fact that I like to look at it. It's very elegant. Strapless, off white, pickup skirt (where it looks bunched up) and a black corset in the back that reaches my ass with a very long embroidered train. It is the type of dress that when a woman wears it into a room everyone takes notice. It reminds me that one day I will be an elegant princess for a few hours. 
   But this dress is a size 14/16. So provided I keep to my goal of staying thin, I will have to have a lot of material to take off. So, I'm down to three options:
1. Wash my hands clean of it and buy a new dress when my knight in shining tin foil sweeps me away from my ivory tower. 

2. Take in all the material and change its shape severely. 

3. Gain all my weight back.  No. 

   It is a real dilemma and I'm not looking to get married for a couple years, but it is a humorous batch of thoughts I've had.  I wonder if other chicks in my situation have had this issue. Comments? 

Xoxo ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Get a new dress! Do you think your future hubby or you for that matter would like you to wear a dress that you had made to marry someone else in? You could sell it or give it away. I think when the day comes to get married you would much rather have a different dress.
