Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Best Place in Boston Ever

  This past weekend I spent with good friends in Boston and I had the time of my life. My best friend was having her wedding reception on a Boston Harbor cruise ship, and despite the fact that the ship charged an unGodly amount of money for a pomegranate martini, it did live up to the "booze cruise" title. 
   Aside from the ship, which will get its own review, my date and I happened to stumble upon a fine establishment called The Whiskey Priest right on Boston Harbor. 
   Hands down, this place was amazing. 
   Our first day in Boston, after Google maps got us all sorts of lost, we needed a drink. So, after we gave my car to the hotel valet, we took a stroll down the street and found The Whiskey Priest. Considering he and I are both big supporters of alcohol and Irish enthusiasm, we said "why the hell not?" and walked inside. 
   First off...the bar. The bar wraps around the entire bottom floor of the pub. They have so many kinds of whiskey it is absolutely ridiculous. The bar tender, an older gent with a very thick Bostonian accent, explained that The Whiskey Priest had been opened since 2010 and that its been doing well for itself. Never found out his name, but I'm gonna call him Mickey. He looked like a Mickey. 
   Then, this very beautiful (albeit cougar status) woman with blonde hair and blue eyes approaches the bar. It took all of three seconds for my date and I to realize that she was 100% full blooded, absolutely, straight off the boat Irish. Caught her name. It was Siobhan. Of course it would be Siobhan! (Note: It is pronounced 'shiv-Vaughn' for those who may have thought it was pronounced 'Seo--bahn'). 
    We tried explaining to Siobhan that we were a couple from Vermont. She didn't understand what Vermont was. Then, returning our conversation to Mickey, we told him that we live near a town called Sunderland and all of a sudden, the studious and petit Siobhan pipes up with, "Sunderland is in England!"

   No....nice try Shiv.  Nice try. 

   Upstairs of the building is this gorgeous patio that overlooks the harbor. Here is the one thing that sucks about the upper deck, though: 
    Because this is a whiskey bar, they typically prefer to serve whiskey in a glass. When you sit up on the upper deck, you drink out of plastic cups. My date wanted whiskey but they wouldn't serve it to him upstairs because they don't typically serve it in plastic cups. So, we had to improvise. 
    I'd like to hope there is some epic story behind it. For example, some dumb fuck tourist got really drunk and stumbled up onto the deck and threw a glass at some Boston skank walking down the street. Then Mickey (who was about 6 foot 4, 300lbs and definitely could toss you on the street by your pinkies) probably had to detain the drunk tourist and he struggled therefore he fell to his death on the curb below. 
   I know it's twisted, but its better than "oh yeah, we don't serve in glasses up here just because..." 
   The food was great. Buffalo wings? Delicious. Irish fries? Delicious. And the booze! Those Irish really do not fuck around when it comes to mixing a drink. I had a Jameson and Coke and by God in a chocolate Utopia it was strong!!!  
  Then there are the servers. I did not see one unattractive waitress working there. Miserable twat waffles some of them were, but their faces weren't too bad to look at. 
   All in all, the only complaints I have about it is, that while I understand the liability of it, serve Whiskey upstairs. 

   Oooh and when we went to lunch there on our first day, a wedding reception was happening there. Bride and groom walked into a large crowd full of cheers. I would so get married at The Whiskey Priest. Goddamn it, I just may. 

   Seriously, I you are ever at Boston Harbor, go to this place. You won't regret it. Thank you, The Whiskey Priest!

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