Thursday, June 27, 2013

VidPick of the Week: My Idol Doing What She Does Best

   It has never been a secret that I adore Jenna Marbles.  She is the reason as to why I got back into blogging as much as I did because she makes the world laugh and I have a similar sense of humor.  Any woman who can make fun of herself and still be properly okay with people laughing at her, is a great woman. 
   I watch her videos when I am happy, and when I am sad and I happened to stumble upon these two that I will share both.  This first one was the original and it's bloody brilliant.  Just watch.

   And this is the second half.  She filmed this, as you can see in the midst of dealing with some personal shit.  Despite the pitfalls of life, she still delivered to her loyal fans.  That is a strong woman right there and the second video is just as hysterical as the first video.  As a woman in a similar rut, I still feel the need to deliver to my audience, so I figured this would be the best way.  To share the two videos on the internet I can watch time and time again and still laugh at just as hard, no matter what is going on.  Thank you Jenna! You are amazing!

xoxo ;)

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Peace and Serenity

   I have had a tough couple of days. Kind of lashed out without getting all the facts to a situation I didn't handle as well as I could have. I went to a wake the day before yesterday. And today I found out that a superior member of my company feels it is okay to divulge fictitious gossip about me. Bad week.  So I decided to take the rest of my afternoon and say "fuck off" to everyone and enjoy some quality time to myself as my friend inadvertently bailed. 
   I began my quest for serenity by finding the spot where my senior pictures were taken. Along the Battenkill River in East Arlington, Vermont is a beautiful spot where there is peaceful sounds. Raging rapids flowing quickly. Birds chirping. A chilly breeze dancing past me that alleviated the torment of this hot day. 
   I spent some time just staring at the rapids which rest by a waterfall. I wondered what the probability of surviving a bareback ride down them would be. Note: I am not suicidal. Just kind of weird and morbid like that. 
   The sun glistened through the trees and illuminated the water as I stuck my toes in. By the way, it was fucking cold! And a blue jay perched on a low branch by me and for a split second I had the urge to sing to it like a Disney Princess. But to save the ears of the woodland creatures I stayed quiet. 
   I chose this spot because visits there are rare. It is like something out of a fairy tale. Absolute gorgeous. 
   I will not divulge on the things I attempted to meditate on. I need to work on focusing the mind and isolating myself from the surrounding appliances and non earthly elements and just bond with earthly ones. I break my focus because of my phone or the sound of a car with a loud exhaust passing by.  But I need to figure my life out soon because life is too short to waste it. 
   After getting myself frustrated without being able to focus on the self inflicted issues, I decided to go for a drive. I drove past the house I grew up in. The house before the one my parents own now. It has since been repainted. Bravo. 
   Then I drove up to the cemetery to visit my nephew for the first time. My nephew passed away a few years ago because of health issues while still an infant. I have never visited him myself and vaguely knew where he was laid to rest. When I finally found it, I did something I rarely do. I actually prayed. I kneeled down (successfully in a short dress mind you), placed my hand on his headstone, bowed my head and actually prayed. 
   I never pray. I don't believe in any particular God to pray too. I guess maybe it was more of a silent one sided conversation with Ryan that no one could hear because I kept my mouth shut. Very weird experience. 
   That alone made me think of something else. When I head to Boston this weekend with a dear friend of mine, I need to make a pit stop in Winchester which conveniently we drive right through anyway. Back when I was going to get married, one of my in laws ended up passing away at the young age of 38 leaving behind a 3 year old son and amazing husband. When the ex and I split I lost touch with the uncle in law and I miss he and their son terribly. Anyway, the departed person in subject is my ex's Aunt Michelle whom I was close enough with to where her passing affected me more than I had anticipated. 
   I want to make a quick visit, because although she has passed onto whatever blissful and peaceful realm she has, and I'm not part of the family anymore, I still feel that I need to see her. Even for a minute. Her anniversary is coming up and who knows when I will be down again. 
   That was my day. Oh, and I decided to sell my wedding band and engagement ring. There is no reason for me to have them. So I might as well make money off of them. 
    It felt good to get away. Although my afternoon panned out to be somber I still realized that every once in a while you need to take a step back and find some inner gratification. Good plan and I will do it again. 

:) xoxo

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Wedding Dress Drama

  About three years ago, I almost made the stupid mistake to get married to the absolutely definite wrong person. Had we gotten married, undoubtably, we would be going through a divorce today if we weren't already divorced. I never look back on it and think that breaking the relationship two weeks prior to the date of the wedding was a poor choice. As I said, we would be divorced or divorcing. 
   In my recent stint of weight loss however, I came to realize something today. When the day arises that I am about to walk down the aisle towards my actual Prince Charming, my custom made wedding gown will need to be so adjusted....or I have to get big again. 
   I went from a size 14 to a size 8 over the last year. Recently I took my wedding gown out of the closet just for the simple fact that I like to look at it. It's very elegant. Strapless, off white, pickup skirt (where it looks bunched up) and a black corset in the back that reaches my ass with a very long embroidered train. It is the type of dress that when a woman wears it into a room everyone takes notice. It reminds me that one day I will be an elegant princess for a few hours. 
   But this dress is a size 14/16. So provided I keep to my goal of staying thin, I will have to have a lot of material to take off. So, I'm down to three options:
1. Wash my hands clean of it and buy a new dress when my knight in shining tin foil sweeps me away from my ivory tower. 

2. Take in all the material and change its shape severely. 

3. Gain all my weight back.  No. 

   It is a real dilemma and I'm not looking to get married for a couple years, but it is a humorous batch of thoughts I've had.  I wonder if other chicks in my situation have had this issue. Comments? 

Xoxo ;) 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Scratch Tickets Can Kiss My Undercarriage!

   Know what has become equivalent to the sound of nails being scraped ferociously across a blackboard to me?  The sound of scratch tickets being scratched off!  It has become the most God-awful sound in the entire world to me.  Die, Tickets! Die!!

   I was sitting in my room tonight trying to figure out what the hell I was going to write about, and I remembered that awhile back I had the idea to express what being a Clerk at a gas station is really like.  Well, sit right back and enjoy the show because this rant is about to blow up! Like the coffee that managed to lunge all over me earlier tonight at work.  FAIL!

   I'm going to settle with a particular subject this time around, and only because I was dealing with these goddamned things all night long.  People who come in and blow HUNDREDS of dollars on scratch tickets like they are just pissing away money.  Let me ask you something, those of you who spend hundreds of dollars a week in scratch tickets:  Don't you have anything better to spend your cabbage on?  I cannot express how often I have people come in and buy a bunch of tickets, then they will go out and scratch them and then come back in and get more.
    Then, I have the assholes that I REALLY HATE.  They are the ones that will buy a bunch of scratch tickets and then stand at the counter and scratch them.  I have one customer who lives off the state and will come in and buy one ticket at a time.  Granted, he will spend about $400 during his visit to my store on scratch tickets alone.  But he buys them one at a time and he will stand right where my customers need to swipe their debit/credit cards and scratch his fucking tickets there!  Doesn't matter how many times, or how bitchtastic you phrase, "[so and so] you need to move.", he just doesn't fucking get it. 
    There has been numerous times where I have customers who come in and blow more money that I make in a month on scratch tickets and then they win absolutely nothing.  My favorite is when I get blamed for their bad life choices of gambling away their entire paycheck without buying cat food.  Yes, I do hate you so much that I did a magical spell with my pretend-a-superpowers and made it so that you cannot possibly win anything over the absolute minimal amount.  You caught me.  Good job, Super Sleuth! Here is my praising you:

   That god awful noise though of scratch ticket paper or whatever it is made out of, is becoming as bad as nails against a chalk board.  It makes me cringe.  Seriously, I wish I was kidding.  And the shavings from the scratch tickets get under your nails and then your hands look like you haven't bathed in months because they leave this disgusting residue on your hands. 

   No good comes from Scratch Tickets!  Oh and FAST PLAYS.  Fast Plays are the 'Online Tickets' that a clerk prints out for you from the computer like a Powerball ticket but you can check them immediately as opposed to wait for the drawing to be held to find out if you won (or most likely lost). 
   I have a customer who plays Fast Plays like they are going out of style.  I'm going to call her 'Nancy'...I really hope her name isn't really Nancy...okay I will go with 'Esther'.  No one names their kid, 'Esther' anymore.   So Esther likes her Fast Plays and they not only take forever to print out of the machine, but they take copious amounts of ink to print them.  Essentially, it is costing the store an obscene amount of paper and ink.  Granted, it will all get used up from other people buying Powerballs and MegaBucks but no Esther! No.
   She won well over a thousand-fucking-dollars on Fast Play and she did not give the Clerk a cent! It is a polite to tip your 'dealer' who gives you the scratch paper meth that you are now divulged financially in.  She just trots on into the store and will buy seven of these stupid tickets and then check them.  She doesn't do the game that is on the ticket, because a Fast Play game looks like this:
   As you can see, there is a game to it.  Nope, she just scans it and when she wins, this is usually her reaction:
But when she loses, this is usually her reaction:

   Random side note...I can attach GIFs to my blog now....

  And for the record to all of you that come in and ask me for scratch tickets, let me just be the first person to tell you that Scratch Ticket paper cuts are horrible! They are a mix between a paper-cut and a cardboard-cut.  Not a fun experience.  If my blood, goes onto your ticket that you so desperately needed, because of a ticket cut, and you win $10,000, you better at least give me $100 because then you can spare it, Bitch. 

  Scratch Tickets will be the death of me.  I never want to get one again in my life because I have to deal with them all the time.  I hate them! Maybe I will get lucky and they will not suck so much anymore.  Get a thinner, less noisy paper.  Yeah, that would be real nice!

xoxo ;)

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Mike & Ike Are Bromancin' Again

 So, many months ago the makers of Mike and Ike candies decided that for promotional purposes that Mike and Ike would be in a feud. Kind of like the breakup of Barbie and Ken although this is far more ridiculous. 
   Can I just remind everyone that Mike and Ike have no essence of being at all? They do not even have mascots. They are just pill shaped candies that are named after two faceless men. 
   So who are Mike and Ike? I'd like to think they are two bros who live together in a two bedroom retro apartment in Venice Beach. So maybe Mike slept with Ike's sister or maybe Ike forgot to turn the stove off and that's why their bromance broke up.  Whatever the case may be, the one at fault must have apologized because not only is the opposite member's name no longer scribbled out on the box, but the box got a complete makeover! So they made up and went to Abercrombie and Fitch afterwards for some new threads! Good job, boys. Putting your difference aside and looking good in the end. Bravo. 
   Still, I prefer Darkside Skittles. Less bromance drama. 

Xoxo ;)

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

VidPick of The Week: My Favorite The Principle's Office Moments

    Back a few years ago on TruTV, there was this awesome TV show called The Principal's Office.  Pretty much the point of the show was camera crews spent a day at a school and taped footage of numerous kids getting sent to the Principal's Office. It was AMAZING because I was in college when this show came out and I remembered how my Principal would come over the loudspeaker and call people down to his office.  Brilliance!
   To be completely honest, I have a huge crush on one of the Principal's on this program.  This is the guy:
  Sorry, but he was a cutie.  And to top it all off, his punishments were fair and he managed to somehow always get the dumbass kids. 
  I went on YouTube and I found a bunch of The Principal's Office clips that I figured I would share with you, my friendly followers.  Watch them and reminisce about how you used to get called to the Principal's Office for stuffing Jolley Ranchers down the pants of the AV Department kids, or how that one time you started a food fight and then got caught smoking a joint up in the back parking lot.  You remember the days.  If you are a reader and are still IN high school...don't do the dumb shit these kids are doing. 
   So without further ado, I bring you some clips of one of my favorite reality shows and I am very sad that it was cancelled. 

  See what I mean?  Makes me want to be an educator all over again! Especially the last one.  Absolutely love it!

xoxo ;)

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

VidPick of the Week: Michael Jackson's Ghost

   We are quickly approaching the fourth anniversary of the passing of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.  Where were you when the most iconic and controversial pop star died?  I was at work, and a friend came into the restaurant and said, "Hey, so Michael Jackson just died!"
   Given the fact that MJ was big on pulling publicity stunts, and the fact that Farrah Fawcett had just died on that same day, it wouldn't surprise me if it was an elaborate prank.  But fuck was I wrong.  
  For months afterward, every channel and radio station played MJ.  A rock station outside of Boston that I listened to when I lived down there played "Beat It" over and over and over again.  Granted, that could also be the fact that Eddie Van Halen played the awesome guitar solo.
   I admit that while he was alive, I never gave MJ a shot.  I followed all the news reports of him touching children and wanted nothing to do with it.  But then he died, and his music was all I heard for months on end.  So, eventually I had to accept the fact that I was an MJ fan. 

   A week or two after his passing Larry King went to his Neverland Ranch and did a piece on everything that it was about.  Midway through the special, everyone on set goes into his bedroom and you see vaguely in the background by the fireplace, the silhouette of a figure passing by. Just check out the GIF.
   Notice how the figure seems to be wearing a top hat, eerily familiar to this look:
   If you all thought that perhaps I just created that GIF to try and promote the point that ghosts exist, then watch this week's video of the week:  P.S. Don't watch this if you have a weak heart!!


    Hahaha.....sorry, I had to! 

  Yeah, I can't even top that with anything else to say.  See you guys all next week!

xoxo ;)

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Monday, June 10, 2013

I, The Grammar Nazi Blog Writer Now Bring You This

   If there is one thing in this entire world that I cannot stand for the life of me, it is the misuse of the English language.  In my high school years, I wanted to be an English teacher because I wanted to help breed knowledgeable scholars who would speak decent English without sounding like complete dumbasses.  Note the Star Wars meme up above.  Yeah, that's just the beginning of this long rant that will belittle everyone who uses the term "Cray" without doing so in a mocking tone of voice.  If you are one of those people that can appreciate my sarcasm in calling you out, go on.  Keep reading.  If not, find something else in my long list of blog posts to tickle your innards.  Shit's about to get real.

  Let's begin with the basics.  In the English language, there are certain words that sound the same, but are spelled the same and have different meanings.  Such as:
  Holy crap! I can't believe that there are so many possibilities to potentially butcher the English language just based on the fact that these words sound the same.  It only applies when you are writing them though.  You don't take into consideration that someone could be fucking up 'you're' and 'your' when you hear it.  But in instances like the above picture, that's when us as Grammar Nazi's start going ape shit on your misuse.

   Punctuation is another really big one.  I am very big on commas.  Obviously.  I know that I use them in places that they do not necessarily need to be in.  I would rather play on the safe side, however.  Also, do not use an exclamation point unless you are making a bold statement or eager answer.  Example: Wow! Look at all the hippos!" 
   Yeah, look at the hippos.  It's that important.  Because I put exclamation points.  Regular sentences, just use periods.  Like that one.  And this one.  You get it.
   Now I am going to offend everyone who is around the 13-25 age range because this is where I blast on the music industry.  Artists like Drake, Jay Z and Kanye West created new words that swept this nation that is already full of ignorant dumbasses by storm.  You know the ones I'm talking about. 
  YOLO: An acronym for You Only Live Once
  CRAY: The lazy way of saying 'crazy' because you know, the letter "z" hasn't been ostracized enough already. 
  SWAG: Something that 'smooth' men claim to have to get whores to sleep with them...
  Let me continue with butchering words such as:
  THAT somehow becomes DAT
  WITH somehow becomes WIF
  FOOL somehow becomes FOO.

   Are you fucking kidding me?  I remember when Ebonics tried getting put into schools as a 'secondary' or 'foreign' language because a lot of people couldn't figure out what the fuck black people where saying.  This isn't a race thing though! I see little punk Caucasian kids coming into my store all the time talking in what used to be known as Ebonics.  To all those kids, and sadly some are adults, STOP IT! You are helping the racism issue continue on because it makes you look like you are mocking them because of their vocabulary. 
   I have a black grandfather, who is just about 100 years old now.  I will never forget, we were sitting at a restaurant in New York City, and this younger black kid with low riding jeans and a sideways baseball cap went strolling by.  50 Cent blaring from the ear buds in his ears loud enough for all of us to hear it.  My grandfather nonchalantly sets his cane a little out into the sidewalk and trips the kid.  Not enough for him to fall over but enough to catch him off guard.
    The young black kid goes, "N***a, what da fuck are you doin'?  You be trippin' blah blah blah". 
  Without missing a beat, Poppa H. smacks the asshole with his cane and goes, "Pipe down! You make our race look bad.  Now pull your goddamn pants up and start talking like an intellectual."
   That was probably one of the most badass things I will ever witness in my entire life.  It was a glorious moment to see that not only was my grandfather this awesome black guy, but he was also just as much of a Grammar Nazi as I am.
    I guess it's a generational thing.  My paternal grandfather is the same way.  Although, he was a school teacher for his entire life.  Growing up near him and being at his house all the time, I was always corrected.  If I said "yeah", in response to a question, I would immediately hear this:
    I learned very quickly that always respond with, 'yes.'  I have been slipping on that a bit.  Never around him, though.  I still get yelled at for my grammar when I slip up and I'm 25 years old now!
   Then there is TEXTING and E-MAILING.   This is what drives me nuts the most because it is so lazy.  Here is just some of them:
  U, Ur, b4, Go 2, Some1

  I briefly dated this moron last year that was NOTORIOUS for using abbreviations in text.  I can overlook 'Lol' and 'Bc'.  But no, this kid would text me and it would pretty much me asking him for a text message decoder to figure out what in the chocolate fuck he was saying! I literally dumped his ass, because I could not stand getting these text messages that were complete jibberish anymore.  He didn't understand the fact that I am a writer.  I was an editor of a magazine in college.  Of course I will critique your grammar mistakes! I often asked him where he went to school and if he just slept through all of it because it was like having a conversation with a simpleton.  Wait, he was.  That's why our courtship lasted all of two dates and a week and a half of texting before I let him down.  Had I stayed, I would probably still be trying to figure out what he was saying.

   I just don't understand why people want to sound stupid by butchering a perfectly fine language.  The world would probably be in a little better place if people didn't walk around sounding stupid.  There would probably be more jobs out there because employers don't want to hire people that cannot produce a decently constructed sentence.  Please, for the greater good of mankind, speak English fluently and respectfully.  Cut this 'swag' and 'YOLO' shit out and remember that 'A lot' is two words.  Not one. 

xoxo ;)

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Twitter: @vlewin1988

Instagram: ViciousVictoriaRules

Clerk Rant

  My day job is a gas station attendant. My passion/business/purpose in life is this blog/company I started. But those who have been following since day one get that. 
   As I sit here, at my day job, getting paid for writing this blog, when frankly there is coffee to be made, I think of some things about life. Finally I get a break from the chaotic clientele I am usually graced with. 
   Side note: my next piece is going to be submitted to Cracked because it is a detailed list of the kinds of people, we as clerks, absolutely despise. 
   Back to the point.  Goddamned my writing Attention Deficit Disorder...

  What the hell does this all mean? The sun. The moon. Trees. Water. Fire. Sand. What is going on here, and why am I significant to it all? Well, the list of elements and other natural substances I just listed is called "Life". And it happens. 
   Go fucking figure. 
   You drive down the street and you see in the distance a plethora of red and blue flashing lights. Traffic is blocked off for two or three blocks, but you are still able to catch a glimpse of the action. You see paramedics wheeling a conscious 8 year old into the back of an ambulance. You also see that his mother is screaming and hollering at an elderly lady as police try to calm her down. 
   What you didn't see, was that the old lady hit the boy on his bicycle because she was trying to light her Virginia Slim 120. What you won't get to see, is that because an ambulance was only half a block up on a coffee stop, the young boys life was saved. 
   That's what life is all about. Sucky situations and outstanding situations. Finding hope and solace in the most dismal of life events. It isn't easy. I wish I could say it were. 
   I don't believe in destiny. I don't believe in love at first sight. I believe you choose your own path. I also believe that no matter how sexy a potential life mate is, you must get to know him/her before calling it "love".  I learned that after falling for the wrong guys over and over again because their looks to personality ratio leaned in the less important direction. I've learned and I aim for better. Amazing how happy it makes me. 
   My life was not predetermined by some astrological phenomena. I've stated before I am Agnostic. I believe that there is something beyond this dimension of life but I won't know what it's all about until I'm dead. I wake up everyday, taking the same chances of dying in a freak accident involving a toaster strudel and a hair dryer. I have to make my own shit happen. It won't happen "just because".
  Now here is where the crappy part of life that makes me sad comes in to play. You make new friends and get accepted into a core group of friends either thru a romantic relationship or just a mutual friendship. Eventually, inevitably, that pack of friends is going to dismantle. People will either get married and start a life separated from their single friends. Others will break up over something and sometimes people just drift apart. This has happened a lot in my 25 years on this magical ball we call Earth. 
   Maybe, I'm the problem. 
   No. It just happens. Naturally. 
   I wish I could say that I am living the dream or have some cool story for this post, but really it was just a collection of thought salad I figured I'd share with everyone. I was bored. Guilty. Guess I will go make mediocre Vermont based coffee now. Boo. P.S. I want this tattoo. Just the saying. Fuck the birds. 

Xoxo ;) 

Monday, June 3, 2013

VidPic of The Week: Military Gone Ke$ha

    I was very close to marrying into the military some years ago.  While trying to do a little research into what my then future husband guy was doing with his spare time, I happened to stumble upon this on the internet back in 2009ish.  I cannot tell you how many times I have seen this jackpot of a video.  I used to watch it just because it made me laugh so hard.  I watched it the other day with my friend who equally found it just as awesome. 
    That's when I decided to share it with my fellow readers.  I know last week I said that the VidPics would be Wednesday mornings at a super early time, and I do plan to still deliver that to you tomorrow, however I couldn't wait to give this the added love and support I have for it.
   Without further ado, this is the military dancing to Ke$ha's breakout single, "Tik Tok".  Please enjoy.

See?  How hard did you laugh.  If you didn't laugh, you definitely had a "What the fuck is this?" train of thought, huh?  Well, choo-choo, I got you for next time!

xoxo ;)

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Follow on Twitter: @vlewin1988

Instagram: @viciousvictoriarules


Gooey Jelly Crack

   A few weeks ago, I posted an article about the disgustingly delicious Rockstar BubbleBerry.  The article got a ton of hits on Blogger, so I figured I would start doing weekly reviews on the random crap I come across. Mostly at my day job of being a convenience store bitch. 

   Speaking of which, I introduce you to something we got in at the store last week. These are Clif Shot Energy Gels. 
   Energy Gels are awkward. Straight up. The texture of them makes me want to gag. It can only be described as putting Smuckers jelly in the microwave for 30 seconds then letting it cool to room temperature. Then you gargle it down.  
   The taste isn't so bad. I tried the Mocha. It lives up to its flavor name in the very least. I was hoping it would be close to a Starbucks flavor of mocha. Just enough chocolate to where I would be satisfied. It's deeper than that, however. Melt a bunch of Mr. Goodbars and you got it. 
   I have to be honest, these things give you a bit of jolt. This coming from someone immune to energy supplements due to years of shooting Mountain Dew Amps into my veins via a makeshift syringe made out of Pixie Sticks. I swallowed one of these and went on a cleaning binge at my friends' house. I was scrubbing the walls despite the fact they were clean because I could not sit still!
   The crash sucked. I fell asleep after having an epic block party with Mr. Clean and the Scrubbing Bubbles bubbles and woke up feeling like I had had an awful night of binge drinking à la Charlie Sheen. 
    All in all, they do their job, but they are just weird. One, the substance is eerily similar to Go-gurt and two is that it tastes funky. But if you are big into energy stuff, give it a shot. Pun intended.  

;) xoxo 

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