Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dear Americans on Welfare Who Are On It "Just Because" You Are

If you collect welfare because you are a single parent and cannot manage to find work because of your children being a handful, this article is not for you and you have my condolences. Hopefully things will turn around for you. If you are sitting on your ass collecting welfare, because you are lazy, then this is for you. Be honest with yourselves in making that decision as to whether or not it pertains to you. After all, this is only a blog on the Internet.
I don't understand the latter group of people. I don't understand how one can sit around all day and do absolute nothing with their life besides eat, drink and just lounge in jammies not doing ANYTHING productive. I'd go fucking nuts! They get money in from the tax payers, and they don't do ANYTHING! I work 45-50 hours a week to pay my way, and a lot of my paycheck goes to taxes, which goes to these money grubbing leeches.
Who, as a child, says, "When I grow up, I want to live on welfare!"? No child. No smart child, anyway. You don't really amount to anything in life. You aren't changing the world. You aren't making a positive dent in society. Society has you figured out. Society calls you "lazy" and "useless" and "deadbeats" behind your back because they are furious that they are working class heroes paying your way.
I understand that food stamps are a different story. Truth be told, if I qualified for them, I would use them because even making what I make in my job (key note: I have a job), I have a hard time with food expenses. I am a college graduate paying off $45, 000 in student loans and a $450 a month car payment. Know what that leaves me in weekly spending cash generally? $50 after I fill up my gas tank, because I have a 30 minute commute to work. I wouldn't be sitting on my ass collecting.
Another thing with food stamps/EBT: Stop buying goddamned ENERGY DRINKS and candy with your EBT cards. I do not bust my ass to the point of exhaustion every week so that you can buy fucking Red Bull and Sour Neon Crawlers with food stamps. I guess I should say "You're fucking welcome." Buy milk, eggs, vegetables, fruit, ACTUAL FOOD with it. I wish I had a dollar for every person I interact with that does this.
As far as EBT Cash goes, STOP USING EBT CASH TO BUY BEER, CIGARETTES and LIGHTERS. Oddly enough, I do condone using it for gas because gas is a necessity. You need it to get places. If you fit the demographic of people who this is attacking, you need it to drive to Walmart on the first and fifteenth of the month to collect your belongings.
I had the ogre of a man, who smelled like ballsack and geek stink breath, come into my convenience store not so long ago. He had to have been 7 feet tall, with a very ogre build and crazy eyes. He was antagonistic when I informed him he could not purchase scratch tickets with his "welfare card". His words. I was flabbergasted when he even asked me if it were possible. And for him to turn into white gangsta Shrek when I said "No." Just further proved how dumb he really was and how pathetic those who live their lives like that are.
And those bitches who get pregnant on purpose so they can get more money from the state. This girl I went to kindergarten with does that. She keeps punching out babies so that she will keep getting extra assistance. First of all, keep your legs shut. The fact that God or science or whatever allowed YOU to procreate is bad enough. Second of all, any guy what is willing to deposit their tadpoles into a slam pig and the. Be surprised that she rapes them in child support, shouldn't be having sex. Third of all, we all know the chicks that do this in America. Admit it. You know one. Hell, it may even be your sister. In which case, I am sorry.
Yup, I could write a 20 page report on all the other crap pertaining to these people that piss me off but I am sure I have offended enough people today. So, yeah...

;) xoxo

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