Saturday, April 20, 2013

Something I Need to Address

I feel there is nothing wrong with addressing the fact that I graduated with honors and two degrees. Perhaps I shouldn't gloat about it, but I only do it when people try to discourage me. I accomplished something that for years people said I wouldn't do. I appreciate, the older I get, the lack of faith because it helped push me further. I may only be working in a gas station, but I'm not 25 with a drug addiction, 6 kids by 6 different partners and divorced three times which I feel is awesome.
I was made to help people and write. I have a heavy heart and a good conscience. I don't want to waste any more time at a job I hate. I have passion for the only art I know. I cannot draw for shit. I can paint. But I can write which is why I started this in the first place! So why am I wasting away?
Come Monday, I am taking a new approach. I'm putting myself out there. I already set up an interview so here is hoping I get it. Wish me some luck because I need it. Thank you for reading this venting session!

;) xoxo

P.S. I need some form of comedy, so here is a meme I found floating around.

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