Monday, March 18, 2013

The Insanely Crazy Idea To Go For My Master's Degree...

For anybody that actually follows me on Twitter, I'm sure you have seen that I have put a lot of thought into going for my Master's Degree. I hold two degrees as it is and I work for a gas station. Not exactly where I saw myself 7 years ago.
I graduated from Hesser College with an Associates in Radio/Video Productions, only to further expand when I received my Bachelor's at Kaplan University in Communications and Public Relations with a minor in Psychology. After taking numerous breaks, and failing a few classes based on my lack of ambition, I managed to pride myself on making Dean's List and graduated with a 3.5 GPA.
Now I wish to further expand my horizon, but I don't want to do it online. I have been thinking about moving and living on campus or renting a small apartment. I am always game for learning something new and this is the time. But here are my setbacks. My dilemma.
1) I'd have to pack up and move again.
2) my student loans will be so much worse.
3) I have to take the uber hard classes like Calculus and advanced neuropsychology. Which I don't even know what the latter means.
4) with all the hours I would have to work Im not even sure I would have time to go back.

I must think long and hard about this. Short article. Just a rant and expressing my anxieties to those who follow. Any suggestions?

;) xoxo

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