Saturday, March 2, 2013

Fact Salad: 12 Random Things About Me

      I decided that I would do kind of a get to know your blogger solely for the fact that I am bored.  This will probably explain a lot the further into The Twisted Tornado I get.  These are just random facts.  Not really anything important but I feel in a sharing mood!

1. I HATE Ketchup Potato Chips.  Who the fuck invented these things?  We sell them at my day job and I tried them because I have this one customer who is older than Christ that comes in and when we don't have them he pisses and moans like a crazy person.  So when my friend Kristina bought them, I was like "Let me in on that shit.  Biggest mistake to my taste buds ever!!

2. Biggest MUSIC guilty pleasure is: *drumroll* Britney- fucking- Spears.  Yup, I admit that I rock out to old school Britney in my car when I am feeling nostalgic.  I was like 11 when she hit the big time and I still get all jittery when I hear "You Drive Me Crazy".  Don't hate.  I still listen to dubstep and heavy rock more.

3. Biggest MOVIE guilty pleasure is: *drumroll* Overboard.  Come on.  Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russel all in love and shit when they are in love in real life?  *sniffle* It's so magical.

4. Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: Kidnapped my sister, Kat and attempted to drive to Canada.  First we were going to drive to Hampton Beach.  Then I missed the exit so instead of heading East, I headed North and we were like, "Fuck it, let's go to Canada."  Well, we realized Canada was 6 hours away and because of 9/11 and shit you need a passport to hop the boarder instead of just your birth certificate now.  So then we drove into Vermont just to see an old ass insane asylum that is completely deserted now, then drove back to New Hampshire.  Oh, and on the way back we did 5 laps around a round about in the center of some random town.

5. Biggest mistake: This is actually a two parter but they kind of coincide.  1. Attempting to get married way too young in my life.  I didn't think that shit through before I went through with all the preperations and now I insanely regret the entire experience.  2. Taking a break from school.  Although I finished and eventually got 2 degrees, I would have finished a lot sooner if I hadn't let my wedding cloud my judgement.  It all worked out in the end, but I just was way too young to make that big of a decision and I almost didn't finish my degree because of it.

6. Dumbest thing I have done: Hit a tree a mile away from my house because of my iPod.  I admit I text and drive sometimes.  I shouldn't and you'd think I had learned my fucking lesson due to this story.  So my freshman year of college, it was summer break before going into sophomore year and I went for a joyride to honestly smoke because I hadn't told my parents their child was a smoker yet.  So I am driving home and my iPod falls to the floor of my 98 Ford Escort (Manual transmission.  RIP) and I go to grab it.  I veer into a tree then drive my car home with a shattered windshield.  I miss my 5 speed.

7. All of my tattoos and piercings were spur of the moment decisions.  My first tattoo is a tiny Chinese symbol of Love in between my shoulder blades that I got my freshman year of college.  Thought process of the day: "YEAH! I'm 18, let's do this!!" Same was like 2 weeks later when I got my belly button pierced.  Then at a party, a friend of mine told me I didn't have the balls to tell me I won't pierce my nose.  So I grabbed my guy friend and we went and got my nose pierced.  Next was the design on my lower back (tramp stamp but I'm not a tramp). That was a random choice.  Next went the piercings up my ear which I let all but 6 close.  Then the music notes on my wrist.  That was random too.

8. As stated in #7, whenever someone tells me I don't have the balls to do something or challenges me not to do something, I try my best to go ahead and do it.  Provided it's not murder or committing a crime or adultery.  If it is something stupid like a piercing or a hair color, or some stupid shit, then game on!

9.  Favorite Disney Movie: I have 2.  1) Emperor's New Groove because it isn't a musical.  2) Little Mermaid because I know all the songs but Ariel is an annoying bitch.

10. Biggest phobia: Dead things... Dead animals, and humans.  I hate going to wakes.  Count me out for open caskets, thanks.  I do not want to stare at the dead.  My 22nd birthday, my ex's aunt (who was an awesome human being. I miss her..) died at age 38 of Lupus. Anyway, her wake was on my 22nd birthday and it was my first one ever and on the way to the Boston area where it was being held, my ex tells me "ok, so since this is your first time I want to tell you that you will see her body so don't wig out."  We show up at the funeral home, and it didn't even look like her.  I had just seen her two weeks prior and she did not look like this.  At all.  It was a disturbing experience and so ever since I avoid the wakes.

11. Beauty annoyance: False eyelashes.  As I write this blog I am constantly picking glue off of my eye because I wear false eyelashes a lot because I cannot find a mascara that gives me the kind of sexy lashes that I want.  So, this is what I deal with.  Revlon needs to invent a better glue because I am not spending $25 on fucking MAC eyelash glue.

12. I own 18 bottles of stuff that you spray on yourself to make you smell good.  I'm talking perfumes and body sprays.  Clinique Happy, Playboy Play-something, Juicy Couture, Ed Hardy, Curious by Britney Spears (because it came with the poof), Estee Lauder (for when I want to smell like a classy old broad), Chanel No. 5 (for when I want to smell like a classy whore), Adidas, every scent that Dove and Secret deodorant has out.  Yeah, that is my obsession. Oh and shit from Avon. 

  Those are the first group of facts about me.  I will probably do more animated responses come the next time around which I will probably v-log. If you actually took the time to read this blog, then I commend you, because you didn't have to.  If you just skipped down to this portion, then I commend your half assed attempt to get to know me. 

;) xoxo

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