Saturday, March 9, 2013

Confessions of a Dorkette: Part 1

This legitimately happened. So a week ago I unpacked some of my "Dork junk" in my room and with that is my Star Wars action figure collection. The one I spoke about in my first entry about Wookiewoks and if you haven't read that yet, you should.
Anyway, my friend Megan came over to drop something off and when I let her into my room she took this look of disgust at my room. Here is the conversation verbatim as it happened.

Megan: "Nice Star Wars figurines. You've officially stumbled into Geekhood."

Me: "It's not that bad."

Megan: "Tori, you have them arranged by episode. Geekhood."

Me: "Well, I can't have cinnamon buns head Leia standing next to Empire Strikes back Leia. It throws everything off."

Megan: "My God, dude. Do you hear yourself right now?"

Me: "I find your lack of faith disturbing."

Now my question is, why the hell is it such a big deal that I have action figures on display in my room? Oh that's right? Because I have a vagina. Most chicks would be collecting My Little Ponies or pink shit. Although I myself also enjoy those things, I grew up with these things. It's something I share with my dad. Just because I have tits, doesn't mean I can't have stuff in my room aimed at guys.
Just let it be known, that eventually my Batman shit will be out too. I mean, I have a cat named Batman for Christ's sake. Then when I put out my Spice Girls stuff, people are really going to be thrown off. Just saying.

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