Monday, August 5, 2013

Greatest Pickup Lines

  I have noted all the crazy pickup lines I have ever read/heard and I would like to share them with my readers because I needed to find laughter. I want to spread said laughter. Maybe you can use them when trying to pick someone up too. 

1. "Your body is like a speeding ticket in a construction zone... DOUBLE FINE!"

2. "Is your name Dora? Cause I'll let you explore this dick."

3. "I left a blowjob at your house. Can I stop by and get it later?"

4. "Is your name Skittles, cause I want you to taste my rainbow...dick"

5. "Are you a Flinstone? Because I wanna Bam Bam your Bedrock."

6. "You may think I’m ugly and I may think you’re hot, but opposites attract, right?"

7. "I'm an astronaut. Can my rocket ship explore your black hole?"

8. "I may not be 5 gum but I can still stimulate your senses."

9. "I might need Life Alert because I’ve fallen in love with you and can’t get up."

10. "Do you like soda? Because I’d love to mountain dew you."

11. "You have an ass like JLo. Wanna bang?"

12. "Are you Jamaican? Because Jamaican me horny."

13. "Do you like wine? Because fuck me."

14. "Roses are red. Violets are Blue. I just wanna have sex with you."

15. "I haven't swept the floor yet. Sorry if your knees get dirty."

16. "You are just sexy enough to make me a sandwich."

17. "I don’t need my magic carpet to take you over, sideways and under."

18. "I hope you like the Backstreet Boys because my penis is larger than life."

19. "You are on the list of the many things I would do for a Klondike bar."

20. "Nice virginity. Can I have it?"

Oh, the romantics behind such lines! 

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