Saturday, February 23, 2013

Confessions of a Social Networking Junkie

     My name is Torrie, and I am a Facebook/Twitter/Tumbler/Reddit addict....

    If I actually was in a twelve step program based on my social networking addiction, that is pretty much how my introduction would go.  Then a whole bunch of other Facebook junkies and Tweeters would say "Hi Torrie" and we would swap stories about how we dodged or created drama on our web-pages and then laugh over the complimentary Oreos and ginger ale in plastic Dixie Cups.
    Mind you, I've never been to a twelve step program but I hear that there is always Oreos and Ginger Ale.
    I am the group punching bag when it comes to my Facebook, Twitter, etc.  I upload my Facebook Status a lot.  Why? I have a lot of thoughts.  I have a lot of very interesting thoughts and I feel the need to share them with the world.  Some people love it.  They think, "Hey, Torrie you are so funny!" While others tell me I should get to Twitter.  Been there, done that.  
    Here is my mini-rant about Twitter.  How am I supposed to say everything that is on my mind in 140 characters or less?  I mean, Hashtags aren't exempt from the long count so sometimes because of that factor alone you can't compose a full thought into a tweet.  I have managed to somehow have decent conversations with some pretty well known people on Twitter, however so it is beneficial in that respect.  My glorified day was when the comedienne Whitney Cummings tweeted me back randomly.  Good day that was.
     Facebook has more personality.  You can actually have conversations with people and they aren't limited to 140 characters or less.  Plus, it's more personal since you can put in all your interest and stuff.  Mainly I use it to spy on the people I went to high school and college with.  Because of Facebook, there is no need to have a 10 year High School Reunion.  People on my Facebook know I write this blog.  They also know what I had for breakfast Thursday morning.  Why? Because I am a junkie.


    I decided to branch out my social networking with The Twisted Tornado.  Mostly because I can organize my crazy thoughts together more and in depth this way.  Speaking of Twitter, here is where you can follow me for more thoughts: vlewin1988.  
    I am connected to my social networking sites by my computer and my phone.  I don't really do the whole Twitter thing on the computer.  Twitter is my last ditch effort site.  When I feel that perhaps I am Facebooking too much, I'll switch over to Twitter.  I do enjoy trending on Twitter though.  Exhibit A:
     I'm also very addicted to the photo editor Instagram.  The picture above was Instagram'd.  I wish that when Instagram has updates, they'd add some new filters a bit more often than what they usually do.  But hey, I'm just the user.  

    Yes, I am a huge social media freak.  If you hear anything about twelve step programs, you might wanna shove some pamphlets in my mailbox because it may get to that point eventually.

;) xoxo


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