Saturday, March 23, 2013

How I Lost 54lbs/Pescetarianism!!!

   So it is beginning to transition into that AWFUL season as a woman where it's bikini time.  Spring Breaks are breaking out all over the place and you're still working hard to work off all the Holiday cupcake pudge you got from your Great Aunt Edna's Peanut Butter Orgasmic Clusterbomb Cookies.

They were good though!

   About a year ago I ended up losing a pretty significant amount of weight because I ended up getting really, really sick.  Gross story: I was having a hard time digesting my food, therefore I had to go through all these tests for Crohn's Disease and Colon Cancer, etc.  Turns out it was my diet.  I was living off of McDonald's and other shit food that will give you a heart attack as well as awful bowel issues.
    So, after getting my ass reamed out by my nutritionist, I was put onto a more fibrous diet to try and get my body flowing a lot better.  I had to cut out cheese for like three months and it was a nightmare, but honestly the diet and excercise that I put myself on helped me lose 54lbs.  I cut out cheese, milk chocolate, and all meats except for seafood.  It is called a Pescetarian diet and I am here to endorse it because it did my body wonders.  I had more energy and I just felt so much better than when I was eating "regular" food.  

    So I started out looking like this.  200 lbs, and not enjoying any moment of it whatsoever.

    Very unflattering and it just was not my finest moment.  But after starting on the Pescetarian diet, this is what I look like now:

  Size 7/8 and 50+ lighter :)
     Okay, the first thing you need to do if you are going to go on this Pescetarian diet is to know the basics of it. 
    Pescetarianism is a diet in which you eat vegtables, grains, fruits and seafood.  You DO NOT eat any other animals.  No beef, no chicken, no pork.  The only thing with eyes/feelings that you eat is seafood.  That is how you get your protein.  Note: I also used some sesame seeds to get my protein.  
    Red meat is bad for you.  Farm animals are jacked up with so many disgusting growth hormones now, that the meat your eating is causing crazy side effects for humans.  Increased heart issues, it's causing girls to start menstruating sooner, not to mention all the fats that just float around through your intestines..  It freaks me out.  Sorry.  However, it tastes fucking amazing which is why it sucks so bad to give it up.  
   I have one cheat day and that is Thursday nights because my friends and I get together for dinner and they are all guys and I can appreciate the fact that they want their steak.  One cheat night a week isn't that bad as long as it is in moderation.  Generally, on my cheat night, I cut my serving size in half and they always pick on me because my portions will be really small.  There is productive cheating and then there is bad cheating.  Bad cheating is when you order 90 buffalo wings with extra Blue Cheese dressing and eat them all in one sitting...moderation people.

   The one "animal product" that I didn't cut out completely is eggs and that's because I love eggs.  They are an excellent source of protein and they are good for you depending on how you eat them.  I couldn't give up my aborted chicken fetuses.

   I also cut a lot of dairy out of my diet.  Like I said above, I cut cheese completely out while I was trying to get my body back into the swing of things.  Cheese does awful shit to your body and most of that is because cheese products that you find at the grocery store, aren't even really "cheese".  Most of the time it is a 'processed cheese product'.  That means, based on my heavy research, that it is a bunch of chemicals mixed with enzymes and whey to create what is sold in the packaging.  Real cheese takes A LONG time to age and get the flavor.  This is just a bunch of chemicals which is why eating it in heavy moderation causes your insides to say, "Fuck you, Guy/Girl." 
   I became a huge fan of Almond Milk.  For anyone who has never had almond milk, it is honestly the best thing in the world and I would drink it by the gallon if I could.  Like with other farm animals, milk carries a lot of those growth hormones that are shot into the livestock.  Plus, almond milk has a better flavor.  The chocolate kind is orgasmic!

    Next order of business was cutting out ice cream and swapping it out for FroYo.  Frozen Yogurt is so delicious and it is so much better for you and now they make it in every fucking flavor imaginable.  You want chocolate peanut butter cup? BAM! It's there.  I also became a huge fan of Chobani Greek Yogurt.  They have almost every flavor imaginable and they are all delicious.  Plus there is real fruit in the bottom and it's like a hidden treasure to get to! That's my inner fat kid talking...

   Now the hard part:  Preparing the seafood that you will be eating.  I really became a fan of salmon during this whole ordeal.  My main diet and nightly entrees consisted of either salmon, tilapia, haddock, and flounder.  I learned how to make this mean Wasabi/Ginger salmon which I will eventually post the recipe for but it is pretty much you bake salmon with this (which I got at The Gourmet Chef) coated on the top for 20 mins at 325 degrees.


It is a paste that has a kick to it, so if you
like spicy foods, chances are you will love it.
    Other than that, with all the fish I just messed around with different seasonings.  As far as sides would go, I would steam some cauliflower, peas and other vegetables and season them with a little salt and pepper.  I'd also toss in a dinner roll just to keep it on an even slate.  
   Here is just a sample of what my daily meal intake was if that gives a better idea.

   A banana, 1 Chobani yogurt/or Oatmeal, Coffee with light cream

  Midmorning snack:

    Tuna salad on wheat with sprouts, lettuce, tomato.  Light Mayo.  Veggie sticks as a side and juice.  Would splurge and get sushi if I had the extra cabbage that week.

   Mid afternoon snack:

   Dinner:  Seafood entree.  Mixed vegetables, bread.  Sometimes soup.  

   Honestly, I never felt more healthier than I did while embracing that diet.  I've slipped off the wagon as of recently because I'm starting to eat McDonald's and Taco Bell again.  But I was more awake, I had crazy energy.  It really helped me out a lot.  I hope that those reading this may get a little inspired to try something new.  It's not for everybody, but a lot of people have asked me how I dropped all the weight and instead of reiterating myself time and time again to answer the same question, I wrote this article.  Best of luck to anyone who is willing to give it a shot.  You will definitely notice a change in yourself after you ween yourself off of the farm animals though...
   ;) xoxo   

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