Wednesday, June 12, 2013

VidPick of the Week: Michael Jackson's Ghost

   We are quickly approaching the fourth anniversary of the passing of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.  Where were you when the most iconic and controversial pop star died?  I was at work, and a friend came into the restaurant and said, "Hey, so Michael Jackson just died!"
   Given the fact that MJ was big on pulling publicity stunts, and the fact that Farrah Fawcett had just died on that same day, it wouldn't surprise me if it was an elaborate prank.  But fuck was I wrong.  
  For months afterward, every channel and radio station played MJ.  A rock station outside of Boston that I listened to when I lived down there played "Beat It" over and over and over again.  Granted, that could also be the fact that Eddie Van Halen played the awesome guitar solo.
   I admit that while he was alive, I never gave MJ a shot.  I followed all the news reports of him touching children and wanted nothing to do with it.  But then he died, and his music was all I heard for months on end.  So, eventually I had to accept the fact that I was an MJ fan. 

   A week or two after his passing Larry King went to his Neverland Ranch and did a piece on everything that it was about.  Midway through the special, everyone on set goes into his bedroom and you see vaguely in the background by the fireplace, the silhouette of a figure passing by. Just check out the GIF.
   Notice how the figure seems to be wearing a top hat, eerily familiar to this look:
   If you all thought that perhaps I just created that GIF to try and promote the point that ghosts exist, then watch this week's video of the week:  P.S. Don't watch this if you have a weak heart!!


    Hahaha.....sorry, I had to! 

  Yeah, I can't even top that with anything else to say.  See you guys all next week!

xoxo ;)

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