Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Things I Am A Boss At

  "...like a boss" has become such a mainstream statement lately, that it has caused me to reflect on the things I am a boss at. For those who do not know what the term "boss" means, here is the Urban Dictionary definition:
"Incredibly awesome"
 I've really been trying to meditate on my lack of confidence and insecurities lately. Thus, I sat and made a list of all the things that make me awesome. So, without further ado, I shall now gloat about my amazing-ness. 

1. Writing. I am hilarious and I can compose predicates like a boss. 
2. Doing my makeup. I've learned how to match foundation and the liquid line. 
3. Speed texting...I respond quickly. If I like you. 
4. Planning a romantic date. I'm a hopeless romantic who still believes a simple walk at night can be a perfect date.
5. Style. I clean up well. Whether it is clothes to wear in public or slutty lingerie, I can look good.
6. Rainbow Road in Mario Kart for Wii.
7. Reciting every line from The Godfather. 
8. Knowing Pop Culture. 
9. Cooking some exotic dishes. 
10. Pole dancing. Not because I am a stripper, but because I took the exercise class. 
11. Shopping on a budget. 
12. I can type without looking at the screen. I also type fast. 
13. Making sandwiches. Oh my sweet baby Jesus, my sammiches are good!
14. Inventing insulting pet names. Example: douche captain mctampon pants. 

  Everyone is a total boss at one trade or another. You just have to find the random crap deep inside that you kick ass at. You've read my list. It's pretty random. Even if it is the weird stuff you rock at in life, it is that which makes you awesome. 

Xoxo ;)

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