Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dr. Seuss Was An Asshole

   So, I understand that Dr. Seuss was this beloved author who turned out a shit ton of books about Cats in Hats and Loraxes (if that's even a word) and Grinches who steal Christmases.  His books always had wording and sentences that rhymed.  I guess they would be considered poems.  Good for him since it made him retardedly famous and legendary! But, thanks to Twitter today, I found out that Dr. Seuss was actually kind of a narcissistic and selfish dick.  And before I get a ton of hate male based on the previous sentence, I will share with you, exactly why I came to this conclusion. 
    Seuss' wife, Helen Palmer Giesel, a fellow author, had a plethora of illnesses including cancer which spanned about 13 years of her life.  Her ailing health caused Seuss to begin an affair with a woman named Audrey Dimond.  It kind of makes me think that it was the WRONG FUCKING TIME to stick his penis into another woman.  I mean, his wife is pretty much dying of cancer.  A real man would stand by his wife and at least have the decency to wait until she passed on to move onto someone else. 
    Guess again, Victoria.
    Eventually, Helen found out about her husband's affair and the mixture between that and her declining health led to her eventual suicide.  She left him a suicide note, which apparently said and I quote:
    "Dear Ted, What has happened to us? I don't know. I feel myself in a spiral, going down down down, into a black hole from which there is no escape, no brightness. And loud in my ears from every side I hear, 'failure, failure, failure... I love you so much ... I am too old and enmeshed in everything you do and are, that I cannot conceive of life without you ... My going will leave quite a rumor but you can say I was overworked and overwrought. Your reputation with your friends and fans will not be harmed ... Sometimes think of the fun we had all thru the years ..."

   Quite the last words to hear (or read) from your wife, right?  I wonder if Seuss felt any sort of remorse for putting his wife through that emotional turmoil.  His reaction was as follows:

   "I didn't know whether to kill myself, burn the house down, or just go away and get lost.  Whatever Helen did, she did it out of absolute love for me...Her death was her last and greatest gift to me."

   Who the fuck says that about their late wife?  It's not like they were divorced at the time of her death.  They were still sharing a bed at the time of her suicide.  At least on nights when he wasn't sharing a bed with Dimond.  Helen probably was rolling in her grave when that statement was made.
   Seuss shortly thereafter married Dimond, and stayed with her until the end.  Clearly, that's where his priorities were.  And I know that it is wrong to speak ill of the dead and I shouldn't care, but it really bothers me because it proves that even the most seemingly humble man can be dark and evil.  I have NO RESPECT for a person who will cheat on their spouse.  You married them FOR A REASON.  Vows should be held sacred.  That is the entire point of the word "vow". 
   I have no problem with one remarrying after their spouse dies.  Keyphrase however is, "after their spouse dies".  I also understand falling out of love with someone.  That is what divorce is for.  Do not commit adultery because it is one of the lowest things in my opinion a spouse can do.  I just hope the pussy of another woman was amazing enough to hurt Helen the way he did.  But in all fairness, she shouldn't have committed suicide.  Actually, I also retract that because if you have a terminal illness, that is the one instance that I condone suicide. Just a crappy situation that could have been handled better, but even still adultery is rude and cruel.

   That's my rant for the evening.  Take it as you will.  It is just my personal opinion but I will not view Dr. Seuss as the saint I once did as a child. 

   xoxo ;)

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  1. I have something else to add that makes this story even worse........

    The second wife was his neighbor and married at the time of the affair. She also had kids, which Dr Seuss didn't want. So, when they married she sent them off to boarding school.

    The second wife had the audacity many years later to say in an interview that she was glad she had kids some there would be someone to take care of her when she's old.

    She sounds pretty selfish too. No wonder they were attracted to each other.

  2. I see. So automatically feeling awful about his wife dying because of his responsibility makes him a lousy person. I'm sorry but you have no right unless you were there to call man said by losing his wife sick. I don't care how awful it was.

    1. Lars, Did you even read the article? He said that her committing suicide was "the greatest gift she ever gave to him". If your dad married another woman after cheating on your mom with her, and said "y'know Lars, your mom killing herself was the greatest gift she ever gave to me" would you feel?
      I agree with this writer. He was a selfish creep, and he found a woman as selfish as he was. His late wife Helen deserved better....
