Saturday, February 23, 2013

Queen Bee's and Uber C's: Women, and Why We Hate Each Other

      My first real rant piece.  So, everyone knows that women are insane right? We are super emotional all the time about our weight or our clothes and we deal with a larger portion of natural physical pain in the human species.  Somehow, we are magical though, because we manage to bleed for 7 days and not die.  Yeah, Men can't do that....lucky bastards.
       I have always been more the type to get along with guys.  Maybe it is the fact my older brother wasn't in my life until my teen years so I suppose I was looking for that void to fill. I just have the profound sense of humor, and the potty mouth.I just click better with the other species. Boys don't bring the same levels of drama. 
      Here is the thing about most women and their interaction with other women: WE HATE EACH OTHER!  And here is a list of reasons as to why:

1) We like the same boys

2) We own the same shirt, skirt, pair of jeans, pair of shoes, earrings, necklace, purse, cell phone case, etc.  If she has the exact same thing as me, we will feud.

3) You think that just because we talk to your husband, boyfriend, partner, that we MUST be after a ride on their trouser carousel. Last time I checked, "Can you point me in the direction of the nearest Burger King", was NOT the same as "Hey! Let's have sex right here in the Wal Mart parking lot."

4) There is always the one trendsetter that every other girl hates because they get all the attention, just like every trendsetter hates all of her followers for being copycats.

5) We judge each other way too much, and mostly it's our own insecurities coming out.  Remember that Haters Make Them Popular.

6) When females all hang out for extensive periods of time day after day and month after month, their cycles tend to sync up, therefore when one is bitchy and bloody, so are all the others. Kinda like Shark Week only with less eating flesh and more nagging.

   Women tend to continue to travel in packs.  Granted there is a nice feeling in being able to share stuff with someone who knows what it's like to be a girl.  Oh, I have found the best video to sum up all the things that girls lie about, too.  This is Jenna Marbles.  She is absolutely hysterical and she keeps it real when explaining how crazy women are in her videos. 

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