Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I'm Back!

I'm back. So after taking a hiatus for about a year, I'm back. And I'm happy to be. Some new things that have changed:

I got a house! While it may be on the small side, it's 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms which is important when you have three kids running around.

Yeah, that's right I said "kids".

Since I last kept up with this blog, I have rekindled a relationship with honestly the one person in the entire world I have ever really loved. We dated off and on and in a few weeks we will be together for a year. He has three kids and I could go on and on about my trials as a new parental figure. I have a 12 year old, a nine year old and a 5 year old that have become new leaves on my tree. It's all very surreal.

Still at the gas station.  Big fucking surprise. But I'm trying to get out. I actually have something planned but I have to be patient. Something Tori is not.

Anyway, I'm back to blogging. I also have another page. It's for beauty EVERYTHING for my feminine friends. So, Tori's back, bitches!

Xoxo ;)